Thursday, March 22, 2012


Yesterday I harvested a head of Broccoli that had over-wintered in a garden bed. It, and all its pretty yellow flowers, were so delicious and beautiful baked on a vegan pizza with white bean sauce for dinner.


Steph said...

Oh, yes! We've been eating these little sprouts like crazy - and also the kale ones, too! Yummy!

Unknown said...

I got Lettuce in my Cold Frame I planted last Fall that froze, now thawed and is growing again.

Alex Zorach said...

That's really looks quite pretty too!

Broccoli is oddly robust as a plant. I once found a broccoli plant coming up wild in a flower bed in Cleveland Heights, I have no idea how it got there. It had reverted back to a wild form with more leaves and less flowerhead, but it was definitely broccoli.