Monday, April 6, 2015

Tea Catering Revisited

Hi Tea Friends!

Wow... nine whole months have past without a single post here on my tea blog. It's not like my life has been any less tea-focused than usual, it's just that all facets of life seems to be online more and more. Everyday I have emails, texts, and comments to reply to from wonderful customers and friends around the world. These communications keep me busy and fulfilled but sometimes lessen my desire to blog. I'm not going to be too hard on myself though. The blog is here when I need it and I'll post when I feel like it. And today I have something to say!

I love to serve tea for people. That has always been my favorite part of the tea industry and it is how I've met most of my friends and built my brand as a tea-seller and tea-educator. This past weekend I got a chance to do some tea catering. On a beautiful morning in Normandy Park, Washington, I put hot, delicious tea samples into the hands of nearly 100 people at a high school art festival. It was a lot of fun and will no doubt lead to a few new customers for Phoenix Tea.

Setting up.

My station after set up.

Ready for Action!

A display of the five teas I offered.  From left to right:

I am always excited to represent Phoenix Tea by catering events. If you are interested in having me at your event please email me at brett[at]phoenix-teashop[dot]com. The cost varies depending on the nature of your event and the convenience of the time and venue required.

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