Monday, July 25, 2011

Phoenix Tea Announcement

Last year my friend Cinnabar started an exciting new tea business called Phoenix Tea. During her first year she has worked hard to grow the business. I've watched as she sourced some incredible teas and served them to friends and clients at local tea clubs and festivals.

Soon after I lost my job at Teacup, Cinnabar emailed me about possibly working together on our own tea business. After several wonderful meetings with Cinnabar, I am now excited and honored to join Phoenix Tea as an owner/partner!

Continuing what Cinnabar has started, our focus will be on selling superb tea and tea ware from all over the world as well as building community, fostering sustainability and promoting tea education and tea culture. We currently have lots of exciting plans bouncing around in our heads and look forward to keeping you all up to date on any new teas and new developments.


  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you two tea geniuses do with the company! =]

  2. Congratulations! That is exciting news. I am excited to see what comes of this partnership in the future.

  3. Brett, I am so very happy for this new direction you're headed. I think that you are more than ready to take this on. Can't wait to come visit you in your own tea shop!

  4. Congratulations! What an unstoppable duo :) I'm looking forward to see it grow. Great to have another quality tea shop in the Seattle area!

  5. That is so cool! Can't wait to see what happens :)
