Sunday, April 3, 2011

Teacup Tea Classes - April 2011

This month, I am excited to present a fun new tea class at Teacup (2128 Queen Anne Ave. N. Seattle, WA, 98109).

Saturday, April 16, 2011 - 10:00 to 11:00 AM
Tea and Mandarin Chinese - In this class, participants will taste three different and delicious Chinese teas while we practice speaking Mandarin Chinese together. My Mandarin speaking skill is barely elementary level but I think this class will attract a mix of people whose skills range from newbie to fluent. I will prepare a handout of Chinese tea names and other tea-related vocabulary so everyone will have a fun time chatting and sipping.

My tea classes are great for tea lovers of all levels, so feel free to bring a friend or family member that you'd like to "get hooked" on tea. The cost is $3 per guest and a RSVP is required. You may RSVP anytime by visiting or calling the Teacup (206-283-5931) or by emailing me at

I will let you know as new classes are scheduled, and please feel free to suggest a class idea on a subject you'd like to learn more about. I hope to see you soon at a class!

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