Sunday, October 3, 2010

Teacup Tea Classes - October 2010

This month, I am very happy to be teaching the following two tea classes at Teacup (2128 Queen Anne Ave. N. Seattle, WA, 98109).

Saturday, October 9, 2010 - 9:30 to 10:30 AM
Cupping Workshop - In this class we will sharpen our tea tasting skills by "blind cupping" three Tie Guanyin oolong teas while evaluating their individual characteristics and comparing them as we go. We will then cup three black teas from different growing regions to compare and contrast their unique flavors.

Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 7:00 to 8:00 PM
Green Tea 101 - In this class we will learn what to look for when you buy green tea and how to brew a perfect cup. We will also taste several famous green teas from China and Japan and talk about how they are made.

My tea classes are great for tea lovers of all levels, so feel free to bring a friend or family member that you'd like to "get hooked" on tea. The cost is $3 per guest and a RSVP is required. You may RSVP anytime by visiting or calling the Teacup (206-283-5931) or by emailing me at

I will let you know as new classes are scheduled, and please feel free to suggest a class idea on a subject you'd like to learn more about. I hope to see you soon at a class!

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