Monday, May 17, 2010

Kubota Garden in the Spring

There are many reasons why I love living in America's most diverse zipcode. One of them is Kubota Gardens, the gem of Rainier Beach.

This afternoon my buddy, his son, my little girl and I went for a beautiful afternoon walk throughout the garden. The rhododendrons are blooming right now which made for an extra colorful visit!

Here are a few shots of our beloved South Seattle garden:

The welcome rock

Pretty in pink

Little waterfall

I see a bee

Original skyscraper

Reflecting pool

Red Bridge in tree-filtered sunlight

Red hot Rhodies

My favorite tree at Kubota

The old lantern

Sweet pink Rhodies*

Beautiful white speckled Rhodies*

On a bridge with an amazing Japanese maple behind us*

*Photos by Jon G.


  1. Greetings, Brett!
    These are beautiful! I recently posted a few from the Arboretum.

  2. Wow! I can't believe this is right by your house and we have never gone!
