Monday, February 1, 2010

Teacup Tea Classes - February 2010

This month I am very excited to present 2 tea classes at Teacup (2128 Queen Anne Ave. N. Seattle, WA, 98109).

February 11, 2010 - 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Oolong Tea "Taiwan Style" - In this class we will discuss Taiwanese oolong tea history and production and we will taste several oolongs from different parts of the island while focusing on their distinct flavor profiles. This class will feature some fresh new high mountain oolongs from my mid-January buying trip! This class is a repeat of last month's class at the request of several lovely folks who were unable to come last month. But even if you did come last month, you're very welcome to come again this time!

February 25, 2010 - 7:00 to 8:00 pm
Green and White Tea Brewing Workshop - In this "hands on" class, students will form small groups to brew their own tasty tea. I will guide the class as we rotate between four unique green and white teas and use several different brewing methods.

These evening classes cost $3 per guest and require a RSVP. It's sometimes OK to RSVP even on the same day. You may RSVP anytime by visiting or calling the Teacup (206-283-5931) or by emailing me at I will let you know as new classes are scheduled, and please feel free to suggest a class idea on a subject you'd like to learn more about. I hope to see you soon at a class!

1 comment:

  1. So, my last post about this class was on the "Taiwanese Tea Sale!" post, but I just wanted to say, for those considering this next class - it is SUCH a treat! The teas in class are a good, high quality that one usually pays at least $9-12 an ounce for - and you taste 3 of them for just $3! WEE!

    My favourite thus far has been the Li Shan and Ali Shan.
    My next "tea tasting goal" is to taste something as lovely as Sun Moon Lake Taiwanese black tea!

    Anyway, see you at the next class!
    ~ Micha
