Sunday, September 6, 2009

2006 Jinggu Da Bai Hao - 景谷大白毫

Back in 2006, I purchased two puer cakes labeled Jinggu Da Bai Hao (景谷大白毫). Jinggu is the name of an autonomous county in southern Yunnan. Da Bai (big white) is one name for a particular tea plant cultivar that produces plump, fuzzy white buds. These buds are most often used in Fujian province to make the much beloved Yinzhen (銀針) (silver needle) white tea, but they are also found in Yunnan and can be used to make some wonderful puer teas (普洱茶).

The cake I'm reviewing today has a green label printed on a thick, textured paper-wrapper.

The cake:

This puer cake is made entirely of beautiful grey, gold, silver and white tea buds.

It has (in my opinion) a hilarious nei piao (內票)(internal ticket). Here is the wording and punctuation exactly as printed for your amusement:

The product is manufactured form Dabai Tea(an ancient tea tree with over one hundred years history in jingguyang Pagoda , Simao , Yunnan), through a traditional method of Pu'er Tea. Being free form pollution, it is characterized by broad leaves,big buds, bloom and clear liquid. Moreover, owing to its effects in persisting cancer, reducing fat and blood pressure, losing weight and persisting aging, it is regarded as good medicine to prolong your life.

I used a small gaiwan with about 4 grams of dry leaf, and 180 degree water. The amber broth is woodsy, delicate and pleasant with a flavor that is both subtle and complex. Throughout 10 infusions it reminded me of sheng puer, Yinzhen white tea, and first flush Darjeeling. My tasting notes included: nutty, crisp, slightly fruity, vibrant, light smoke, muscatel grape, and pine forest.

Tea soup and infused leaves:


  1. Wow. Looks like some fine stuff. I didn't catch you say how much this cost. Was it pricey? It seems like in many other kinds of tea this whiteness of mostly buds would be expensive. --Spirituality of Tea

  2. Jason - regarding taste - Yes indeed, very fine stuff!
    - regarding price - because I purchased this cake directly from Yunnan, China, back in 2006, It only cost me around $15. I would expect it to retail for about $40 at a respectable North American tea shop... (or maybe around $50 now).
