Monday, June 1, 2009

Shu Shu's Mandarin Lesson #6

Ni Hao tea friends. It's your old pal Shu Shu here with another Mandarin Chinese diversion.

Brett has been drinking a lot of wonderful new spring teas lately and I'm very lucky because sometimes he pours a little hot tea on yours truly!

I hope he pours this matcha on me!*

Today's phrases are:

中國和日本的綠茶有什麼不一樣? = What's the difference between Chinese and Japanese green tea?
中國 = zhōngguó = China
和 = hé = and
日本 = rìběn = Japan
的 = de = possessive particle
綠茶 = lùchá = green tea
有 = yǒu = have
什麼 = shénme = what
不 一樣 = bùyīyàng = different (or not the same)

春茶很好香 = Spring tea is very fragrant.
春 = chūn = spring
茶 = chá = tea
很 = hěn = very
好 = hǎo = good
香 = xiāng = fragrant

玫瑰不管叫啥名,聞起來總是香的 = A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
玫瑰 = méiguī = rose
不管 = bù guǎn = no matter what, regardless
叫 = jiào = called
啥 = shá = what
名 = míng = name
聞起來 = wénqǐlai = smell like
總是 = zǒng shì = always
香 = xiāng = fragrant
的 = de = possessive particle

*cool photo by my buddy James!

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